On-Demand Courses

HelpPeople Educational Programs

In addition to live trainings, HelpPeople sponsors a variety of on-demand programs for employees. The following pre-recorded programs are available to assist you with your daily personal wellness challenges as well as your professional development. These programs can be accessed anytime at your convenience by clicking the titles below!

Daily Focus & Intention. Channel Your Energy & Sense Success

Skills & Strategies for Managing Anger

It's not just words, communicate for connection

Talking to Your Kids about Drugs and Alcohol

Reduce Daily Distractions

Navy Seal Box Breathing

Chair Yoga

From Conflict to Collaboration

Love More, Fight Less. Couples Communication

Restoring Hope Through the Journey of Forgiveness

We’re here to help.

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self-harm, call 911 or report to your nearest emergency room.

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