Exercising Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is the ability to manage one’s emotions and life stressors in a manner that promotes a positive and balanced quality of life.  Emotional wellness is an evolving process that needs consistent focus. It involves becoming more aware of making healthy choices to promote a more meaningful and peaceful quality of life.

We live in a culture where the demands of each day can seem to sometimes outweigh the rewards and successes.  This has the potential to leave us feeling overwhelmed, anxious, defeated and resentful at times.  Research demonstrates how emotional stress overtime can lead to health issues.  Emotional wellness can also be equated with greater self-confidence, more rewarding relationships, and greater happiness and enthusiasm towards life.

Emotional wellness requires commitment and ongoing work, but it is achievable.  Below are nine measures that can promote emotional wellness.  Committing to these measures each day will start your journey to wellness.

  1. Establish realistic expectations not only for yourself but of others.  Unrealistic expectations can lead to feelings of failure and disappointment.
  2. Reframe your thoughts about adversity and loss when possible.  Much in life that occurs is beyond our control.  Often, we learn the most from the challenges we are faced with. Look for the silver lining.
  3. Work towards acknowledging and accepting the fact that change is inevitable.  Often resisting change requires more energy from us than the actual change.  Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  4. Let go of anger and resentments.  The past can’t be changed and holding on to infractions from the past drains us of valuable energy and precludes us from enjoying the blessings of today.
  5. Surroundyourself with positive people and thoughts.  Gravitate towards people who are positive, future-oriented, and supportive.
  6. Separate reality from worst-case scenario.We often spend much of our time in non-adaptive thinking, worrying about matters beyond our control.  Much of what we worry about does not materialize, depleting us of valuable energy.
  7. Take responsibility for your own happiness and well-being.Happiness comes from within. In the same respect, no one can take our happiness from us unless we allow them to.
  8. Set aside time each day for quality time for yourself and with others.Find a passion. Sit quietly and deep breathe, go for a walk with someone. Allowing time for the pursuit of a healthy pleasure can rejuvenate the mind and body.
  9. Acknowledge one positive characteristic you know to be true about yourself. Remind yourself of this gift as often as you can.

HelpPeople Counselors are available for assistance with managing sleep difficulties. Contact HelpPeople EAP at 315-470-7447; 800-777-6110; or by email at helppeople@crouse.org.

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